Stay tuned for outcomes from the CoMotion LA: Cool Paths to the 2028 Olympic & Paralympic Games panel discussion in which I sat with Edith de Guzman, Monica Dean, Rachel Malarich, and Heather Repenning with Katie Lemmon as our moderator… After the panel, so many great ideas were shared which we plan to activate in advance of the anticipated peaks in global tourism. But first, thinking of resilience and readiness for a community that needs it now and in the long-term.
As me about my talk, Todos Juntos: What Does Inclusive Placemaking Look Like in 2035?
Lots of great conversations and learning outcomes from the AIA Encompass conference held at the Beehive by SoLa Impact - an inspiring industrial redevelopment complex.
This project involved 14 projects with over 20 community partners, providing school greening, tree planting, solar roof installation, free transit pass program, electric car share program, electric bike library, community engagement and more. California Awards $96 Million for Climate Projects in 10 Frontline Communities
Lyric congratulates Mark Nelson and McCall Associates on the publication of Hollywood Arensberg: Avant-Garde Collecting in Midcentury LA. Lyric assembled as-built drawings of this historic landmark home designed by Neutra with an addition by Gregory Ain . Plans and interior elevations were used to key-in the vast collection of artwork into the book layout. The book “reconstructs the convergence of cultural artifacts in the couple’s California modernist home, the center of a burgeoning art scene, room by room.”
You can purchase your copy at the Getty Museum Store or online.
Check it out - our Todos Juntos plaza is featured as background in the Netflix show, Gentefied. The show brings to light the complexities of gentrification in Boyle Heights. We are proud that our project was part of a collaborative process. The plaza is meant to be open to all sorts of informal uses… including filming!
"Oh, Boyle Rules." Architect's Newspaper, West Edition, April 27, 2016, 1, 15.
article photo by Rob Berry, project photo by Nico Marques
AIA Women in Architecture Conference
Urban Collaborations panel discussion with Lisa Padilla and Deborah Murphy
(live streaming conference held 2/27/15,1:48:00-2:08:00)
Art Center College of Design Blog
Designing for net-positive water: SoCal students take on turf, not surf
(article posted 2/23/15)
Testimonials for Sustainable Building Practices seminar taught at Art Center College of Design
Siobhan’s professionalism and deep understanding of the course material. Her ability to make the material interesting and meaningful. Class trips!
Siobhan Burke is a kind and very intelligent teacher and it seems like she enjoys the topics covered, which makes learning from her fun.
Class was extremely informative.
The instructor has an amazing knowledge and understanding of the material, provides insightful critiques that benefit studio work, and the material is compelling--really challenges designers to reconsider their work and process in the context of sustainability.
I enjoyed the in-class group exercises and presentations--especially the one with the calculations/metrics of greywater usage.
Complete Streets for Downtown Los Angeles
Spring Street Parklets Installed!
(posted 2/8/2013)
Architect's Newspaper
Los Angeles’ New Parklets Bring Color, Fun to the Street
(article posted 2/8/2013)
DTLA Rising
Good PR for Urbanism: Downtown LA Gets Two New “Parklets” in Historic Core
(article posted 2/8/2013)
Urban Omnibus
Unfinished Business: 25 Years of Discourse in Los Angeles
(article posted 8/9/2012)
Interior Design Magazine
High Contrast
(article posted 8/1/2011)
Design Milk
Milkweed: Blank Slate - Garden Walls
(posted 9/27/11)
Big Bright Bold
Lyric: Living in Op Art
(posted 1/31/12)
Eater LA
Main Squeeze Freshens Up Main Street in Santa Monica
(posted 5/10/12)
Rafu Shrimpo Los Angeles Daily News
Budokan project gets $5M grant
(posted 4/5/12)